We provide development services for complex electronic devices, sensors and software in the languages ​​C, C++, Python, JavaScript

About the enterprise

Scientific-Production Association of JSC "MINETEK" is formed on the basis of NGO "NIIPTMASH" and is its legal successor in the field of engineering, scientific researches and development of progressive technological processes, cutting tools, special non-standardized equipment and equipment for machining and assembly of products of mechanical engineering, development of electronic devices and devices of various purposes.

The company has its own production facilities of 3000 m2 and two design bureaus - machine building and industrial electronics. Also in the structure of the enterprise there is a research subdivision that is engaged in the implementation of research and development and R & D on the technical task of the customer in various industries.

The company operates a scientific school, which was founded by academician Kolot Vladimir Alexandrovich

The firm traditionally occupies a leading position in the areas:

-projection and manufacture of aspecial machines, special metal cutting tool and a variety of special tools for
mechanized assembling works, including various clamping and fixing mechanisms, pullers, retractors, jacks, etc .;
- development and manufacturing of a tool for processing wheel pairs of rolling stock; milling cutters for CNC-20 machines
- development and manufacture of drive gears from the middle of the axis for passenger cars;
-production and manufacturing of slopes of road cars;
- development and manufacturing of welded frames of passenger cars and carts of the metropolitan;
- development and manufacture of stands for testing of hydraulic shock absorbers of wagons and locomotives;
- development and manufacturing of hydraulic dampers for rolling stock rolling; hydraulic damping oscillations;
-production and manufacture of hydraulic cylinders;
-processing of sleeves and stocks of hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders, including long-length;

-development and manufacturing of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, gyration stations;

-development and manufacturing of hydraulic mounting plates;

-production of rollers of belt conveyors;
- development and manufacturing of worm and disk modular milling machines with carbide-plate replaceable plates;
-production of various types of cylindrical, conical and worm gears with a module up to 38 mm, incl. with the engagement of Novikov, as well as special equipment for their testing;
-production of balanced manipulators with a carrying capacity of up to 500 kg.
-production of instruments for measuring the hardness of metals and alloys, the development of electronic devices and software
according to customer's order.
-production of sensors of force, movement, rotation, etc.;
-development and manufacture of power electronics, electric drive;
-development and manufacture of microprocessor devices, automation systems on microcontrollers;
- collection of high-performance brands of lubricating and cooling technological environments (SOTS) for the machining of various materials;
- creation of closed ecologically pure complexes of preparation, operation and regeneration of SOTS.
-production of a rotary tool with a rectangular diameter, a boring tool with a micrometric setting for
hole processing;
- creation of new technologies based on vibrational, magnetic and electrical impacts;
- stabilization of the final stresses in welded and cast structures, vibrational parts repair;
-development of promising technological processes for the reconstruction of existing and the creation of new machineries and machine assemblies.

Technological developments of Mintek JSC typically include know-how elements, and most of the equipment and tools samples are executed at an inventive step.

The experience of a team of scientists, engineers, workers, accumulated in more than 40 years of existence, allows us to develop and organize production of new types of competitive products in the shortest possible time and with high quality.

Only in the period from 1995 y. By 2017, annually mastering the production of at least 3 new samples of products for the needs of various industries, JSC "MINETEK" became the first in Ukraine developer and manufacturer of a unique tool for the processing of wheel pairs, a new generation of stands for testing hydraulic dampers (dampers of oscillation) of rolling stock and a number of other technically complex products.

Traditional close cooperation links our company with such leading scientific centers of Ukraine and CIS countries as the SSTC of artillery and small arms, the Institute of superhard materials named after them. Bakul (Kiev), Kiev National Polytechnic University, Donbas State Machine-Building Academy (Kramatorsk), Belarusian Physical-Technical Institute (Minsk), and many others.

The successful geographic location in the machine-building heart of Ukraine allowed us to establish strong links with leading machine-building enterprises in Kramatorsk and other cities of Ukraine. To conduct design, engineering, analytical, and the like. works firm is equipped with a powerful enough computer complex.

All this allows JSC "MINETEK" to successfully solve practically any problems in the field of mechanical engineering at the highest scientific and technical level. Each product developed and supplied by our company is provided with warranty and post-warranty service, as well as, at the request of the consumer, can be upgraded and adapted in connection with changing production requirements. In addition, some types of work, for example, vibration stabilization of residual stresses or processing of longitudinal parts of cylinders, can be carried out by specialists of JSC "MINETEK" at the consumer using their mobile equipment, tools, etc. Continuous work to improve products and expand the range of services, combined with finding ways to reduce their cost, allows you to meet any customer requirements.
We hope that this information has given you some insight into the possibilities


Honorary President

Academician of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine - V. A. Kolot
