We provide development services for complex electronic devices, sensors and software in the languages ​​C, C++, Python, JavaScript



Стабилизация остаточных напряжений

Стабилизация остаточных напряжений

  ​NPO MINETEK-TECHNOLOGIES manufactures and supplies technological complexes for stabilization of residual stresses

Делегация НПО МИНЭТЭК-ТЕХНОЛОГИИ приняла участие в выставке во Французском Лионе

  The delegation of the MINETEC-TECHNOLOGY ltd took part in the exhibition in French Lyon
Competitions for robots among young people

Competitions for robots among young people

  Competitions for robots among young people
Scientific and technical creativity of youth

Scientific and technical creativity of youth

  The company Minetek,since the day of its foundation,supports intellectual youth by helping to develop of scientific and technical creativity.
В Японии и Германии создали новый жаропрочный сплав

В Японии и Германии создали новый жаропрочный сплав

  At present, Ni-based single-crystal superalloys, which are used for turbine blades, are the most commercially successful class of metallic high-temperature materials 3, 4. However, they cannot be used at temperatures above 1200 ° C.