We provide development services for complex electronic devices, sensors and software in the languages ​​C, C++, Python, JavaScript

Gearboxes C5s и C2-250

Gearboxes C5s и C2-250 0
According to the customer’s specifications, design documentation has been developed and production has been mastered.


type C5s

Name Norm
Torque on the output shaft, Nm2950
Speed of high-speed shaft, rpm323
Gear ratio, Uф412,5
Load in both directions
Gear lubricationliquid filler
Bearing lubricationplastic mortgage
Recommended Brand oil МС-20
Volume of oil , l96
Recommended brand of greaseЛитол 24
The amount of grease, kg2
Mass of gearbox, kg1310

type C2-250

Torque on the output shaft, Nm
Speed of high-speed shaft, rpm750
Gear ratio, Uф23,235
Loadin both directions
Gear lubricationbath dipping liquid
Recommended Brand oilliquid scattering
Recommended brand of greaseМС-20
The amount of grease, kg5
Mass of gearbox, kg108
